January 8, 2024 at 5:45 PM - Board of Education Organizational Meeting
Agenda |
1) Call to Order of Organizational Meeting and roll call of Board Member attendance
The current Clerk will call roll.
2) Consider approval of agenda
3) School Board Reorganization
3)1. Select Chair
The acting Chair (Hall) should ask for nominations for the 2024 Chair position. The Chair should ask three times for additional nominations. Then they declare the nominations closed. The acting Chair will call for a roll call vote. The elected Chair will preside over the remainder of the meeting & will need to sign some paperwork after the meeting.
3)2. Select Vice-Chair
The Chair should ask for nominations for the Vice-Chair position. The Chair should ask three times for additional nominations. Then they declare the nominations closed. The Chair will call for a roll call vote. The Chair should declare the elected Vice-Chair after the election is complete.
3)3. Select Clerk
MSBA recently called attention to the rules regarding Clerk/Treasuer, indicating that the OFFICERS of Clerk and Treasurer cannot be combined. The DUTIES of the Clerk and Treasurer can be performed by the same nonboard member in the office of business affairs (like we do with Clerk/Admin Asst/Buiness Manager and Treasurer/Business Manager), but the board members cannot be the same person.
The Chair should ask for nominations for the Clerk position. The Chair should ask three times for additional nominations. Then they declare the nominations closed. The Chair will call for a roll call vote. The Chair should declare the elected Clerk after the election is complete. The Clerk will need to sign some paperwork after the meeting. |
3)4. Select Treasurer
The Chair should ask for nominations for the Treasurer position. The Chair should ask three times for additional nominations. Then they declare the nominations closed. The Chair will call for a roll call vote. The Chair should declare the elected Treasurer after the election is complete.
4) Consider commitee appointments for 2024:
4)1. Activities (2 members)
4)2. Facilities (2 members)
4)3. WBWF (2 members)
4)4. Personnel (3 members - Board Chair is typically one of them) (includes negotiators for ED MN, Local 70 and non-union contracts and assignments)
5) Consider other representative appointments for 2024:
5)1. Community Education (1 member)
They will meet 4 times per year
5)2. IASC (1 member and 1 alternate)
At least one monthly meeting, normally taking place the 2nd Tuesday at 5:00pm in Grand Rapids or virtually. Schedule is pending the IASC organizational meeting at the end of January.)
5)3. Legislative Liason (1 member)
A trip to St Paul may be involved
5)4. MSHSL (1 member)
(This person usually keeps up on the MSHSL happenings and is on the MSHSL mailing and email list)
6) Consider the 2024 School Board Meeting Calendar
7) Consider posting places for meeting dates and special meetings.
You have set your meeting dates and you need to publish or post your regular meeting schedule. That is all you need to do. You do not need to post your meeting agendas. Special meetings however are different. I recommend the official posting locations as the hallway outside the district office, the U.S. Post office and the school district website.
Note FYI only: The process of posting all meetings at the beginning of the year is sufficient with MSBA. The only time the agenda needs to be posted 3 days in advance is for Special meetings |
8) Authorize Superintendent and Business manager as responsible authorities for state reporting, electronic funds transfer, and to sign agreements of pledged collateral.
You need to authorize Jonathan Payne as Superintendent/Principal and Haley Walsh as Business Manager as responsible authorities for state reporting, the electronic transfer of funds, making investments, and to sign agreements of pledged collateral.
9) Consider Facsimile Signatures and Designation of Powers for Financial Institutions
The superintendent/principal & business manager need to have the "authority to exercise", as per Corporate Authorization Resolutions on file at the Northwoods Credit Union. Numerous people oversee account activity at the NorthView Bank. Your action authorizes signatures and grants decision-making authority at each institution. Attached is a copy of the authorizations. I recommend authorizing signatures and decision-making to the positions/employees indicated. This is required annually, even if no changes from prior year.
10) Consider Temporary use of Current Facsimile Signatures if Chair and Clerk Change
If changes occur, you must take action on this item to authorize temporary use of the old signature plate. If there are no changes, this resolution is not necessary. The process for changes in a new signature plate takes about a month. A new chair and/or clerk will need to give Ashley signatures after the meeting. New signatures are provided to ARCC and they are then affixed to all the district accounts payable and payroll checks.
***Possible Action*** |
11) Consider Official Depositories
The district is currently using the Minnesota School District Asset Fund (MSDLAF) and the NorthView Bank. MDE wires all deposits to MSDLAF. Haley wires money from MSDLAF to NorthView for payroll and accounts payable. I recommend naming the NorthView Bank and the MSDLAF as depositories.
12) Consider Mileage Reimbursement Rate
As of January 1, 2024, the IRS mileage rate is $0.67 per mile. Recommendation is setting the mileage reimbursement rate for 2024 as "the current IRS rate for all employees unless a contract is in place stipulates differently."
13) Consider Resolution regarding School Board Member Compensation
14) Review of Code of Ethics policy 209 and chain of command for school related issues
15) Consider approval of revised capital improvement plans for Floodwood School for Polar Cubs Childcare Center construction and pending lease opportunity.
16) Consider acceptance of donation of $5,000.00 from Steven and Linda Chambers.
17) Consider approval to adjust substitute educational assistant/ non-licensed staff rate of pay to $15.63 an hour, to coincide with updated educational assistant contract effective January 1, 2024.
18) Consider approval of the revised assignment sheet for Danielle Durovec, Cafeteria Assistant.
19) Recognition of board member Leanaya Miller on receiving Minnesota School Boards Association 2024 Directors' Award for successfully earning 100 points from MSBA-sponsored sessions to improve individual performance.
20) Superintendent Updates
21) Adjournment