August 14, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Legal, License and Ordinance Committee
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes
3.A. LLOC Minutes - July 10, 2013
4. Public Comment:
5. Public Items:
5.A. Manager's Reports
5.A.1) Presentation on development proposal for 1st Avenue and Lake Street properties - A proposed developer, In-Site will be making a presentation on their proposed purchase and development of Village owned property at the northwest corner of 1st Avenue and Lake Street.
5.A.2) Proposal for new software for overnight parking - The Village's Information Technology firm has developed software to enable citizens to use the Internet to request overnight parking.
5.A.3) Purchase of 3 police vehicles and related equipment - The Police Chief will be recommending the award of proposals for 3 police squad cars and associated equipment.
5.A.4) Award of bid for tuck-pointing 200 S. 5th Avenue Building - the Assistant Village Manager will be reporting the results of recent bid activity associated with the tuck-pointing the brick at 200 S. 5th Avenue building.
5.A.5) Proposal for the use of $500,000 budget allocation from State Representative Welch - The Village was recently informed of the designation of a $500,000 budget appropriation from the State for capital improvement projects; a proposed use of the proceeds will be discussed.
5.A.6) Acceptance of proposal for architectural assessment of the 200 S. 5th Avenue Building - The Village has been awarded a $5,000 State grant for a study of the proposed historic renovation of the 200 S. 5th Avenue Building; including the currently vacant 3rd floor.
5.A.7) Moratorium and Regulation of Convenience Stores - Recent problems with the operation of convenience stores in the Village have contributed to a recommendation that a moratorium be placed on new store licenses so that appropriate regulations can be considered.
5.A.8) Mayor Perkins' Request for Manual Street Sweepers - Mayor Perkins is suggesting that Public Works employees be regularly assigned to walk the major streets of the Village to pick-up debris.
5.A.9) Use of contractual services for water shut-off/on - The Finance Department is requesting assistance of two contractors to assist in dealing with delinquent water accounts.
5.A.10) Proposal to repair Public Works Vactor Truck - the estimated cost of the repair is $19,598.85.
5.B. Village Attorney Reports:
5.B.1) Resolution - approving a license agreement for use of Village right-of-way for construction of a private perimeter fence at 155 South 15th Avenue and license agreement - The owner of the property is proposing the replacement of the fence that currently encroaches on Village right-of-way.
5.B.2) Resolution approving and authorizing execution of a service fee agreement and risk management services agreement with Mesirow Insurance Services - the resolution would authorize the execution of an agreement with the Village Insurance broker for the current fiscal year.
5.B.3) Resolution - IAFF - Agreement to allow the organization known as IFF to manage various grant projects on behalf of the West Cook County Housing Cooperative.
5.B.4) Loan to Village Library - the Village Attorney gives his opinion on the proposed financial assistance to the Library.
6. Other Matters:
7. Executive Session
7.A. Setting price for sale of Village owned property
7.B. Collective Bargaining
7.C. Pending Litigation