March 27, 2017 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Meeting called to order by ____________________________________________ at _______ p.m.
B. Pledge to the Flag:
C. Roll Call:
Board Members Present: Board Members Absent: Also Present: |
D. Presentations & Special Recognition:
D.1. Kathy Tocco, Macomb County Commissioner.
E. Amendment of Agenda:
E.1. Motion by _____________, supported by ______________ to remove Business Item #4 to move into closed session from the agenda.
Ayes: Nays:
F. Approval of Minutes:
F.1. Motion by _____________, supported by ___________ to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 13, 2017.
Ayes: Nays:
G. Correspondence:
Mr. DelVillano
G.1. Thank you note.
G.1.a. Motion by ____________, supported by ____________ to accept and file all correspondence.
Ayes: Nays:
H. Superintendent's Report:
Dr. Richards
I. Citizen: Non-Agenda Items:
J. Old Business:
K. New Business:
K.1. Human Resources Report.
Mr. Terman
K.1.a. Resignation:
Motion by ___________, supported by _____________ to accept the following resignations and commend them for their years of service to the district: Stephanie Calloway Day Care Aide / Dooley Center Since: October 17, 2014 Effective: March 24, 2017 Debra Dunaj Day Care Aide / Dooley Center Since: July 5, 2007 Effective: April 7, 2017 Lauren Durkin Teacher / Fraser High School Since: July 30, 2009 Effective: March 13, 2017
Ayes: Nays:
K.2. Approval to Purchase Food Service Equipment.
Mrs. Videtta
K.2.a. Motion by ____________, supported by _______________ to approve the purchase of food service equipment from TriMark Strategic Equipment and Supply Corporation from the Cafeteria Fund Capital Outlay Budget in the amount of $21,909.24 as recommended.
Ayes: Nays:
K.3. Approval of Superintendent Evaluation Form.
K.3.a. Motion by _____________, supported by ______________ to approve the Superintendent Evaluation System Form as recommended.
Ayes: Nays:
K.4. Adoption of Resolution to meet in Closed Session at the end of the regular meeting in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Section 8c regarding negotiations.
K.4.a. Motion by ___________, supported by _____________ to move into closed session at the end of the meeting in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Section 8c regarding negotiations.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Nays: |
L. Financial Report.
Mrs. Videtta
L.1. Motion by _____________, supported by _____________ to accept and file the Financial Report.
Ayes: Nays:
M. Committee Reports:
N. Miscellaneous Business:
N.1. Schedule of Activities.
N.2. Adjourn into closed session _________ p.m.
N.3. Return to open session _______ p.m.
O. Adjournment:
O.1. Motion by __________, supported by __________ to adjourn at ____ p.m.
Ayes: Nays: