May 6, 2010 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Welcome
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
I.C. Public Recognition
I.C.1. 2010 John Coskran Volunteer Awards
II. Business Meeting
II.A. Approval of Agenda
II.B. Consent Agenda
Although Board action is required, it is generally unnecessary to hold discussion on these items. In the event a Board member wishes to discuss an item, that item will be moved for separate consideration.
II.B.1. Meeting Minutes
II.B.2. Human Resources Report
II.B.3. Donations of $3,000 from the Burnsville Rotary Breakfast Club Foundation, $1,000 from Sue Feigal-Hitch, and $4,000 from the Burnsville Lions Club to the Burnsville Senior High School Scholarship Fund; $4,867 from the M.W. Savage PTO to M.W. Savage Elementary to purchase instructional technology; and, $12.48 from Scott Galvin, $105 from Brionne Sillman and $36 from Robin Swanson through Wells Fargo to Hidden Valley Elementary
II.B.4. Approve job description and position for Centralized Enrollment Center Clerk
II.B.5. Schedule a Closed Session following the regularly scheduled board meeting on May 6, 2010 at the Burnsville High School Senior Campus for superintendent evaluation
II.B.6. Approve contract with Chris Lindholm for the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
II.B.7. Approve contract with Tania Chance as the Executive Director of Human Resources
III. Unfinished Business
IV. New Business
IV.A. Authorize development of schematic design for the renovation of Burnsville High School (20 minutes) (Deutsch)
IV.B. Receive a draft of the ten-year facilities plan (30 minutes) (Deutsch)
IV.C. Approve dental insurance rates (5 minutes) (Rider)
IV.D. Adopt a resolution relating to the Termination and Nonrenewal of the Teaching Contracts of Probationary Certified Personnel and the Teaching Contracts of Probationary Personnel on a Variance, Limited License, or Nonlicensed Community Waiver at the close of the 2009-2010 school year (10 minutes) (Novak)
IV.E. Adopt a resolution relating to the termination and nonrenewal of that portion of teaching contracts in excess of 1.0 at the conclusion of the 2009-2010 school year (10 minutes) (Novak)
IV.F. Adopt a resolution relating to the Termination of Teaching Contracts for the following Long Term Substitute Teachers effective at the close of the 2009-2010 school year (5 minutes) (Novak)
IV.G. Approve, on a first reading basis, revisions to the following board policies: Policy LEA and LEA-R, Student Teaching & Internships; Policy ICA, School Calendar, Policy BB, Legal Status of the School Board; Policy BBF, Code of Ethics; Policy BCB, School Board Officers; Policy BCE, School Board Committees; Rename Policy BCG/GBEA to Policy BCG, Criminal or Civil Action Against School District, School Board Member, Employee or Student - Staff Protection and delete Policy GBEA/BCG; Policy BD, Open Meetings & Closed Meetings; Policy BDDE, Rules of Order; Policy BDE, School Board Hearings; Policy BH, School Board Member Development (10 minutes) (Clegg)
V. Reports
V.A. Student Advisor
V.B. Superintendent
V.C. Board Members
VI. Adjourn to Closed Session for Superintendent Evaluation