March 6, 2023 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Invocation
II. Open Forum
III. Consent Agenda
III.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting
III.B. Bills Payable
III.C. Consideration and possible approval of the Order of Cancellation of the General Election for the Board of Trustee election for May 6, 2023.
Considerar para su posible aprobación la Orden de cancelación de las elecciones generales programadas para el 6 de mayo de 2023 para elegir a miembros del consejo. |
III.D. Consideration and possible approval of the Certification of Unopposed Candidates for the General Election for the Board of Trustee election for May 6, 2023.
Considerar para su posible aprobación la Certificación de candidatos únicos para las elecciones generales programadas para el 6 de mayo de 2023 para elegir a miembros del consejo. |
IV. Action Items
IV.A. Consider and Approve Expanding Instructional Audio System through Lightspeed Technologies to Elementary and Middle School
IV.B. Consider and Approve Budget Amendment #2
IV.C. Consideration of Health Science CTE Program
IV.D. Approve the 2023-2024 Academic Calendar
IV.E. Consider approval for early dismissal (12:30) for Middle School on April 4, 2023 for Middle School District Track Meet
V. Director of Curriculum and Instruction Report
VI. Principal Reports
VII. Athletic Director Report
VIII. Technology Director Report
IX. Business Manager Report
IX.A. Budget Progress
IX.B. Food Service Report
IX.C. Tax Report
X. Superintendent's Report
X.A. Enrollment
X.B. Safety Update
X.C. Legislative Update
XI. Executive Session
XI.A. Personnel Matters
XI.A.I. Administrator Contracts
XI.A.I.a. Elementary Principal
XI.A.I.b. Assistant Principal - Elementary
XI.A.I.c. Middle School Principal
XI.A.I.d. High School Principal
XI.A.I.e. Assistant Principal - High School
XI.A.I.f. Athletic Director
XI.A.I.g. Director of Curriculum / Instruction
XI.A.I.h. Technology Director