February 24, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order:
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag:
C. Approval of Agenda:
D. Celebration of Excellence:
E. Building Reports:
E.1. Parma Elementary
E.2. Woodville
F. Hearing of Citizens:
G. Student Council Report:
H. Approval of Minutes:
H.1. January 27, 2020 Regular Meeting
H.2. February 10, 2020 Work Session
I. Treasurer's Report:
I.1. Financial Statements
I.2. Bills for Payment
I.3. Budgets to Date
I.4. 2020 Bond Refunding - J. Soles
I.5. 2019-2020 Budget Amendment
J. Superintendent's Reports and Recommendations:
J.1. Personnel
J.1.a. Resignations
J.1.a.1) Stephanie Routh - Elementary Teacher
J.1.a.2) Jeff Young - MS Counselor
J.1.a.3) MIchele Rogotzke - Elementary Teacher
J.1.a.4) Nancy Pack - Elementary Teacher
J.1.a.5) Martha Leising - Elementary Teacher
J.1.a.6) Mary Chamberlin - STEM Teacher
J.1.a.7) Natalie Learned - Freshman Volleyball
J.1.b. Appointments
J.1.b.1) Jacob Inosencio - MS Track
J.1.b.2) Jordan Wurmlinger - MS Track
J.1.b.3) Kristy Hall - JV Tennis
J.1.b.4) Becky Good - Varsity Girls Assistant Track
J.1.b.5) Rebekah Wurmlinger - JV Softball
J.1.c. Interventionist
J.1.d. Teaching & Learning Specialist
J.2. Facilities
J.2.a. Land Lease
J.2.b. LED Cost Analysis
J.2.c. Solar Project
J.3. Curriculum
J.3.a. Field Trips
J.3.a.1) Gymnastics Trip
J.4. Policy
J.4.a. NEOLA First Reading
J.4.a.1) Policy 3320- District Green Revolving Fund
K. Board Reports:
L. Other Business:
M. Closed Session:
N. Adjournment: