March 9, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Approval of Agenda
2. Communications Reports
2.1. Administrative Reports
2.1.1. Activities Director Report: Mr. Courneya
2.1.2. High School Principal Report: Mr. Nudell
2.1.3. Superintendent Report: Mr. Karger
2.2. Board Member Reports
2.2.1. Budget and Facilities Committee Report: Buhr
2.2.2. Curriculum and Policy Committee Report: Ovsak
2.2.3. Working Session Review: Jepson
3. Citizen & Delegation Requests
(Frazee-Vergas Public Schools welcomes you to our school board meeting.Visitors wishing to present items for the Board's consideration need to submit a Citizen and Delegation Request form to the Superintendent of schools one (1) week in advance of the regularly scheduled school board meeting. Individual speakers are asked to limit their comments to no more than three (3) minutes. If a group is in attendance, we ask that you designate a spokesperson for your group and they will be limited to not more than five (5) minutes. The board requests that all comments be in keeping with, and contribute to, an atmosphere of civil, courteous, thoughtful, and respectful public disclosure.) |
4. Consider Consent Agenda Items
4.1. Adoption of the Minutes - Regular Meeting February 9, 2015 and Working Session February 17, 2015.
4.2. Treasurer's Report
4.3. Check Summary
4.4. Personnel
4.4.1. Approval of Hiring a High School Art Teacher
4.4.2. Approval of Hiring an Administrative Assistant for the High School Student Services Department
4.4.3. Approval of Hiring a Head Varsity Football Coach
4.4.4. Approval of Resignation of the Assistant Varsity Football Coach
4.4.5. Approval of Resignation of a High School Special Education Teacher
4.4.6. Approval of a Leave of Absence Request
4.4.7. Approval of a Leave of Absence Request
4.5. Other
4.5.1. Approval of School District Enrollment Options Program Applications
5. Hornet Pride
5.1. Donation
5.2. Recognition
6. Discussion Items (No Action Required)
7. Consider Business Items (Action Required)
7.1. Approval of School Portrait Agreement - Fall 2015 and 2016
7.2. Approval of a Request from Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to do Timber Management on the School Forest
7.3. Approval of First Reading of Policy Revisions/Update Series 200
7.3.1. 203.2 Order of the Regular School Board Meeting
7.3.2. 203.5 School Board Meeting Agenda
7.3.3. 205 Open Meetings and Closed Meetings
7.3.4. 206 Public Participation in School Board Meetings/Complaints about Persons at School Board Meetings and Data Privacy Considerations
7.3.5. 206A Citizen and Delegation Request
7.3.6. 208 Development, Adoption and Implementation of Policies
7.3.7. 210.1 Conflict of Interest - Charter School Board Members
7.3.8. 213 School Board Committees
8. Meetings/Workshops
8.1. Regular School Board Meeting, April 13, 2015, 6:00 p.m., High School Media Center
9. Adjournment of Meeting