September 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of Agenda
* Moved by Melissa Stevens and supported by Andy Powell to approve the agenda with the addition of a discussion item for the netting around the baseball and softball area as well as a donation in the amount of $20,000.00 from the Sports Boosters for the project. All in favor Motion Carries |
5. Welcome/Public Communications/Recognition of Visitors
6. Points of Pride
6.a. Thank you to our PTO who sponsored the annual Back to the Books event on August 15th. Thank you to all the organizations and volunteers that helped make this a success. It is a great event for our students and families every year!
7. Presentation
7.a. Tiffany Jackson presenting on "Building Healthy Communities" program
8. Administrative Reports
8.a. Tiffany Jackson: Elementary Principal
8.b. Marty Aldrich: Middle School Principal
8.c. Ashley Whalen: High School Principal Board Showcase
* Todd Barton will be presenting on a suicide prevention program as well as a daytime wrestling meet. |
8.d. Dave King: Athletics
8.e. Lori Leishman: Chartwells Food Service
8.f. Dan Kain: Facilities Director
8.g. Jackie Sower: Transportation
8.h. ISD: Technology
9. Superintendent's Update: Kelly Nielsen
10. Consent Agenda
10.a. Approval of August Board Meeting Minutes
10.b. Approval of General Fund Claims
10.c. Personnel Recommendations
10.c.1) Non-Teaching Recommendation
10.c.1)a) Julie Aldrich - 12th Grade Class Advisor
10.c.1)b) Autumn Cole - Fall High School Events Coordinator (shared)
10.c.1)c) Joe Dorwin - CSAA Art Club Advisor
10.c.1)d) Cindy Fettig - NHS Advisor
10.c.1)e) Delaina Friedman - Drama Club Advisor
10.c.1)f) Delaina Friedman - Student Government Advisor
10.c.1)g) Chris Fryover - Volunteer JV Football Assistant Coach
10.c.1)h) Dean Gilbert - CSAA Talent Revue Advisor
10.c.1)i) Beth Hamlin - 10th Grade Advisor
10.c.1)j) Austen Harris - Volunteer JV Football Assistant Coach
10.c.1)k) Nicole Johnson - Volunteer Assistant Freshman Volleyball Coach
10.c.1)l) Grant Kurtman - Volunteer Varsity Football Assistant Coach
10.c.1)m) Max Laper - Volunteer Varsity Football Assistant
10.c.1)n) Garrett Lashuay - 7th Grade Volleyball Coach
10.c.1)o) Jim O'Connell - Middle and High School Band Extra Events
10.c.1)p) Jessica Rader - Volunteer Volleyball Assistant Coach
10.c.1)q) Teresa Russell - Fall High School Events Coordinator (shared)
10.c.1)r) Abigail Schaitkin - Yearbook Advisor
10.c.1)s) Abigail Schaitkin - 11th Grade Class Advisor
10.c.1)t) Abigail Schaitkin - CSAA Language Arts Club Advisor
10.c.1)u) Kim Shaft - Middle School Student Government Advisor
10.c.1)v) Rachel Sheehan - 12th Grade Class Advisor
10.c.1)w) Amanda Slezak - 9th Grade Class Advisor
10.c.1)x) Jamie Smith - Volunteer Assistant Volleyball Coach
10.c.1)y) Alicia Spears - 9th Grade Class Advisor
10.c.1)z) Cody Staup - 11th Grade Class Advisor
10.c.1)aa) Cody Staup - CSAA Quiz Bowl Advisor
10.c.1)ab) Annette Wetherbee - CSAA Forensics Coach
10.d. Field Trip
10.d.1) September 11 - Yearbook Students travel to The Pinnacle Center for Jostens Fall Premiere
10.d.2) September 19 - 6th Grade Field Trip to Art Prize
11. Information/Discussion Items
11.a. Discussion on additional GEERS (11bb) funding received by the District
11.b. Discussion regarding safety netting around the baseball/softball fields
12. Action Items
12.a. Action 8 - Approval of the addition of appendix H in the LEA Contract, which is the process for certified staff evaluations
12.b. Action 9 - Approval to paint the EIFS at the Middle School
12.c. Action 10 - Approval to bring in the B4 Foundation for a presentation about student mental health
12.d. Action 11 - Approval of the purchase of the baseball/softball safety netting
12.e. Action 12 - Approval to accept the donation of $20,000.00 from the Sports Booster to help offset the cost of the safety netting
13. Announcements
13.a. September 18 - Half Day for Students
13.b. September 30 - County Board Meeting at Montabella 6:30 p.m.
14. Adjournment