April 22, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
II. Approval of the Agenda
III. Achievement - Wheeler
III.A. EXCEL Award Winners
IV. Public Comment
An opportunity for public to comment on items pertaining to the agenda. Speakers shall complete a registration card and will have between two and four minutes, depending on the number of speakers, to speak on an agenda topic. The Public Comment section of the meeting shall last no longer than thirty minutes. |
V. Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda consists of routine items that are acted on in a single, consolidated motion without Board discussion. Board members have the option of pulling items off the Consent Agenda if they wish to discuss them or consider them individually. |
V.A. Minutes of March 25, 2014 Reflection Study Session
V.B. Minutes of March 25, 2014 Board Meeting
V.C. Minutes of April 15, 2014 Work Study Session
V.D. Routine Personnel Items
V.E. Bid Calendar
V.F. Bid Award
V.G. Disbursements
VI. Reports
VI.A. Student Board Representatives - Fischer, Phan
VI.B. Superintendent - Phillips
VI.C. Teaching & Learning - Miller
VI.C.1. Principal Evaluation Tool
VI.D. NSBA Conference - Augé/Coborn/Yener
VII. Discussion
VII.A. Policy Revisions
VII.A.1. G-021 (Board Officers, Committees, and Liaisons)
VII.A.2. E-031 (Fund Balance)
VII.A.3. E-015 (Student Attendance)
VII.A.4. E-016 (Student Dress and Appearance)
VII.A.5. E-021 (Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse)
VII.A.6. E-026 (Transportation of Public School Students)
VII.A.7. E-072 (Enrollment of Nonresident Students)
VII.A.8. E-082 (Distribution of Materials on School District Property by Non-School Persons)
VII.A.9. E-083 (Distribution of Materials by Students and Employees)
VII.A.10. E-090 (Testing Accomodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEPs, Section 504 Plans, and LEP Students)
VII.A.11. E-091 (Credit for Learning)
VII.A.12. EM-020.4 (Public & Private Personnel Data & Form: Employee Authorization for Release of Information)
VII.A.13. EM-020.15 (Student Discipline & Notice of Suspension)
VII.A.14. EM-020.17 (Protection & Privacy of Pupil Records & Public Notice & Juvenile Justice System Request for Information)
VII.A.15. EM-020.19 (Student Disability Nondiscrimination)
VII.A.16. EM-020.30 (Curriculum Development)
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. Business Office
VIII.A.1. Acknowledgment of Contributions - Hunt
VIII.B. Human Resources - Gray
VIII.B.1. Local 70 Contract
VIII.B.2. Education Assistant Contract
VIII.B.3. Termination of Probationary Teachers
VIII.B.4. Unrequested Leave of Absence
VIII.C. School Board
VIII.C.1. Change Start Time of May 27, 2014 & June 24, 2014 Board Business Meetings
VIII.C.2. Set Board Retreat
VIII.C.3. District Welcome Back Barbeque
IX. Board Communications
An opportunity for Board Members to share relevant information from partnerships, assigned meetings or community events. |
X. Future Board Meeting Dates
X.A. May 27, 2014 Business Meeting (Board Room)
XI. Adjourn