January 6, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Organizational Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Meeting Agenda
Once quorum has been established the School Board Chair will request approval of the meeting agenda.
3. Determine Acting Chairperson
4. Election of 2025 Officers
Election of the following officers:
5. Open Forum
The purpose of the Open Forum is singular time when a citizen is provided an opportunity for citizens to address the Chisago Lakes School Board on an item included in the school board meeting agenda. During Open Forum, the school boards’ role is just to listen, gather information, and allow administration to follow-up on the items. Citizens who would like to address the board on a topic on the meeting agenda may email Michelle Kleist, Director of Communicatitions Coordinator, at communications@isd2144.org by 3:00 pm the day before the meeting. Please include your full name, the agenda item you wish to speak to and your question or comment on the agenda item in the email. Only those persons who have sent a request to address the board prior to 3:00 pm the day before the meeting will be allowed to speak during Open Forum. |
6. Communications
6.A. Student Representative Update
6.B. Board Committee Updates
6.C. Superintendent Update
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Claims & Accounts
7.B. Personnel
7.B.1) Resignations
7.B.2) Employment Contracts
7.B.3) Extra Curricular Contracts
7.C. Past Meeting Minutes
8. Conduct Annual Business
8.A. Set Board meeting dates for 2025
8.B. Designate District Depositories
Administration has reviewed the checking and depositing needs of Independent School District #2144. Administration recommends that the Board designate the following institutions as depositories of the district: |
8.C. Select District's Legal Counsel
Administration recommends that the Board continue to use Ratwik, Roszak, Maloney Law Firm and Rupp, Anderson, Squires, Waldspurger and Mace, P.A. and other firms as needed when deemed appropriate by the Superintendent.
8.D. Select Official Newspaper
The District is required by statute to designate a newspaper for official school publications (Minnesota Statute 331A.04) each year. Administration recommends that the Board of Education designate the Chisago County Press as the newspaper for official publications from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025 based on circulation.
8.E. Board Committee Assignments
The School Board committee assignments and buildings for 2025 is included for your review.
8.F. Resolution Authorizing Use of Facsimile Signature
As a practical matter, the District must authorize the use of facsimile signatures for purposes of conducting financial affairs. Minnesota Statutes § 47.41 authorizes such facsimile signatures.
Administration recommends the Board adopt the following resolution: Delegate authority to sign contracts to the Superintendent and/or the Director of Business Services up to the bid law threshold of $25,000 and also to sign contracts once the board has approved them after quotations or sealed bids. |
8.G. IRS Mileage Rate
IRS mileage rate for 2025 has increased from $0.67 to $0.70 per mile.
8.H. Resolution Authorizing Administration to Develop Specifications and Solicit Bids
Minnesota Statute 123B.52 provides that the Board may not enter into certain types of contracts with an estimated cost or value over $175,000 without first advertising for bids or proposals. For items within the Board’s approved budget that require advertising for bids, the following resolution authorizes Administration to develop specifications and solicit bids for the Board’s consideration:
1. The Board hereby authorizes Administration to develop specifications and solicit bids on budgeted items which, by statute, must be advertised for bid. This authorization is limited to items the Board has approved in the budget process.
2. The Board retains the discretion to elect to review any specifications before soliciting bids.
3. The Board retains the sole authority to review all bids and accept or reject any or all bids based on that review. |
8.I. Annual Staff Reduction Resolution
Directs Administration to make recommendation for reductions in programs and positions and the reasons there for. This standing resolution is done each year.
8.J. Board Member Pay
9. Old Business
10. New Business
10.A. CLHS Bed Project Donations
10.B. READ Act MOU
10.C. Coach MOU
10.D. Resolution to call for a Special Election on May 13, 2025
11. Adjourn