August 22, 2016 at 5:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve Agenda
3.1. Additions
3.1.1. Approve Work Agreement for Michelle Haack, Heartland Paraprofessional (5.7.9)
3.1.2. Approve Jordan Gunnink as a Volunteer Coach for Football (5.9)
3.1.3. Approve Contract for Taylor Ossefoort, Kindergarten Teacher (8.11)
3.2. Deletions
4. Visitors
4.1. Community Concerns - Public Forum allows for citizens of the school district to address the School Board on an identified agenda item. Board Policy allows for a 3 minute limit for speakers who are recognized by the School Board Chair. If groups are present, the School Board reserves the right to designate one speaker from that group. Personal attacks by anyone addressing the School Board are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. PAS School Board Policy 206.
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Approve Minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting of July 25, 2016
5.2. Approve Minutes from the Special Board Meeting of August 1, 2016
5.3. Approve Minutes from the Special Meeting of August 15, 2016
5.4. Approve Minutes of the Work Session Meeting of August 15, 2016
5.5. Approve Payment of Regular Bills
5.6. Approve Treasurer's Report for July 2016
5.7. Approve Contracts and/or Work Agreements
5.7.1. Tessa Bowen, FACS Teacher
5.7.2. Heather Craig, English Language Arts Teacher
5.7.3. Erin Brockberg, SPED
5.7.4. Carli Arnoldi, 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach
5.7.5. Paul Young, 7th Grade Baseball
5.7.6. Brandan Alfson, Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach
5.7.7. Jim Baustian, Stage Director
5.7.8. Robin Leslie, Custodian
5.7.9. Approve Work Agreement for Michelle Haack, Heartland Paraprofessional (ADDITION)
5.8. Correspondence
5.8.1. Letter of Resignation from Mary Lapthorn, Learning Center
5.9. Approve Jordan Gunnink as a Volunteer Coach for Football (ADDITION)
6. Administrative Reports and Information
6.1. Administration
6.1.1. Cory Strasser
6.1.2. Toni Baartman
6.2. School Board Members
6.2.1. Negotiations Committee
6.2.2. Policy Committee | Parent Volunteer
| Social Media
| Lunch
6.3. Superintendent
6.3.1. Mentoring New Teachers
6.3.2. Enrollment Numbers
6.3.3. Kindergarten Class Size
6.3.4. Elementary Space Issues
7. Old Business
7.1. Heartland Colony Lease
8. New Business
8.1. Approval of Facilities Use Agreement with MN West Community and Technical College (MnSCU)
8.2. Adopt Resolution Relating to the Election of School Board Members and Calling the School District General Election
8.3. Approve 2016-2017 Resolution for Membership in the Minnesota State High School League
8.4. Approval to Advertise for Snow Removal Bids for 2016-2017 School Year
8.5. Appointment of Federal Title Representative and Homeless Liaison - Toni Baartman
8.6. First Reading of PAS Policy 611, Homeschooling
8.7. Approval to Surplus Computer Equipment, Josh Stukel
8.8. Approve District Goals
8.9. Approval to Repair School Sign
8.10. Approve Resolution of Gifts to the School
8.10.1. Pipestone Veterinary Services, Donation of $250.00 for T-shirts for Community Ed Youth Football
8.10.2. Jer's Electric, Donation of $800.00 towards Concession Stand at Brown School
8.11. Approve Contract for Taylor Ossefoort, Kindergarten Teacher (ADDITION)
9. Adjourn Meeting