November 22, 2010 at 5:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
2.1. Additions
2.2. Deletions
3. Consent Agenda
3.1. Approve Minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting of October 25, 2010
3.2. Approve Minutes from the Special School Board Meeting of November 8, 2010
3.3. Approve Payment of Regular Bills
3.4. Approve Treasurer's Report for October
3.5. Review of Budget Year-to-Date
3.6. Other
4. Correspondence
4.1. Letter of Resignation from Sonia Griebel, Custodian
4.2. Other
5. Visitors
5.1. Community Concerns
6. New Business
6.1. Approval of Contracts and/or Work Agreements:
6.1.1. Charlie Wilson, Paraprofessional
6.1.2. Wendi Weber, 8th Grade Girls Basketball
6.1.3. Steve Rops, 7th Grade Boys Basketball
6.1.4. Robert Petersen, 9th Grade Girls Basketball
6.1.5. Kristen Brockberg, 7th Grade Girls Basketball
6.1.6. Stephanie Hall, Library Director
6.2. Approval of Gifts to the School
6.2.1. Arrow Booster Club, Donation of $973.53 for Wrestling Warm-Ups
6.3. Approval of Transportation Contract with Ludolph Bus Service, Inc.
6.4. Approval of Audit Report, Meulebroeck Taubert & Co.
6.5. First Reading of Paraprofessional Seniority List
6.6. Monthly Enrollment
7. Old Business
7.1. Second Reading of Teacher Seniority List
7.2. Other
8. Administrative Reports and Information
8.1. Administration
8.2. School Board Members
8.3. Superintendent
9. Adjournment