August 28, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting and Schoolhouse Closing Public Hearing
Agenda | ||||||||||||
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Schoolhouse Closing Public Hearing
As required by Minnesota Statute 123B.51, the School Board of Independent School District No. 761 (Owatonna Public Schools), State of Minnesota, will conduct a public hearing regarding the necessity and practicality of closing the Owatonna High School building located at 333 East School Street, Owatonna, Minnesota. The reasons for closing the School Street site of Owatonna High School are as follows:
Persons requesting to give testimony for and against the proposed closing shall be heard before the School Board. |
V. Mission Moment
Inspiring Excellence. Every Learner, Every Day.
VI. Public Forum
VII. Item(s): For Discussion - No Action Required by the Board
VII.A. Board Forum
VII.A.1. Superintendent Evaluation Summary
VII.A.2. Policy Revisions (First Reading)
The attached policies have been reviewed by the policy committee and are being presented for a first reading. A few of the policies do not currently have any recommended changes and are for review only. The attached policy revisions summary describes the proposed changes.
Key: (1)
VII.B. Administrative Report
VIII. Consent Agenda: Board Action Requested
If desired, items may be removed from the consent agenda by request by an individual school board member for independent consideration. A request is timely if made prior to the vote on the consent agenda. The request does not require a second or a vote by the school board. An item removed from the consent agenda will then be discussed and acted on separately immediately following the consideration of the consent agenda.
Roll call vote is required as the consent agenda contains the personnel report. |
VIII.A. Minutes from July 10, 2023; August 7, 2023; August 14, 2023
VIII.B. Disbursement Report
VIII.C. Personnel Report
IX. Item(s): Board Action Requested
IX.A. Schoolhouse Closing (21st Century Learners)
The public hearing on the closing of the old Owatonna High School building was held on August 28. Attached is the resolution to close the Owatonna High School building on School Street.
IX.B. Teamworks Proposal: Attendance Area Development (High Quality Teaching & Learning)
The Teamworks proposed agreement is to co-design key processes with district leaders and engage in partnership-based discussions to develop an analysis of our attendance boundaries. The strategic plan will include a comprehensive, transparent process that builds trust with stakeholders. This will involve a design team, input team, communication strategies, development of a guiding change document for board review, stakeholder interest/influence mapping.
IX.C. Teamworks Proposal #2: Continuous Improvement Through School Analytics (High Quality Teaching & Learning)
The Teamworks proposed agreement is to provide comprehensive analytics around demographic trends, district-wide birth analysis, enrollment, projections, developments, market share analysis, access to Online Data Tool and services, fall and spring enrollment projections, customized learning and socio-economic analysis, housing sales data, and comprehensive reports.
IX.D. Truth in Taxation Hearing Date (High Quality Teaching & Learning)
State law requires a public entity to conduct a public hearing when it intends to increase local tax rates. The specific dates for the hearing are established by the county and should be approved by the School Board as a matter of providing appropriate public notice. The Truth in Taxation meeting will be scheduled for December 11, 2023 at 6:00 pm. |
IX.E. Adult Lunch Price (Equity)
23-24 Student Meal Prices: All students enrolled are eligible to receive one breakfast and one lunch at no cost on each in-person academic day. 23-24 Adult Meal Prices: Nutrition Services would like to propose the following prices for adult meals for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year:
IX.F. Extended Trip Request for OHS Concert Choir (21st Century Learners)
Attached is an extended trip request for the Owatonna High School concert choir.
IX.G. Compensation and Benefits for Individual Director/Supervisor (Non-Cabinet) Employees
The District has 10 employees that are not associated with any collective bargaining group recognized by the Bureau of Mediation Services. The Director of Human Resources and Director of Finance have worked closely together in developing a compensation plan for these positions. Salaries for the Director/Supervisor level positions are influenced by a market analysis of our districts with similar demographics, inflation, market competition, and individual responsibilities. The Board has received in its previous correspondence a summary sheet of the proposed salary/benefits and employee guideline changes. Chris Picha will be available to answer questions.
IX.H. Compensation and Benefits for Individual Non-Affiliated Employees
The District has approximately 35 employees that are not associated with any collective bargaining group recognized by the Bureau of Mediation Services. The Board has received in its previous correspondence a summary sheet of the proposed salary/benefits and employee guideline changes. Christina Picha will be available to answer questions.
IX.I. City Council Chambers Lease Agreement
At the January work session, members of the City of Owatonna spoke about the remodel of the City's council chambers. Attached is a lease agreement for the ISD 761 school board to use the City chambers for school board meetings.
IX.J. Gifts to the District (High Quality Teaching & Learning)
Policy 706 establishes guidelines for the acceptance of gifts to the District. As specified by Minnesota Statute 465.03, the School Board may accept a gift, grant, or property only by the adoption of a resolution approved by two-thirds of its members. Any gifts accepted of more than nominal value (more than $5), shall become property of the District (Policy 421). The gifts are listed on the attached resolution.
X. Adjournment