December 12, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Mission Moment
Inspiring Excellence. Every Learner, Every Day.
V. Public Forum
VI. Truth in Taxation (6:00 pm)
Amanda Heilman, Director of Finance and Operations
VII. Item(s): General Information
VII.A. Enrollment Report
VIII. Item(s): For Discussion - No Action Required by the Board
VIII.A. Board Forum
VIII.B. Administrative Report
IX. Consent Agenda: Board Action Requested
If desired, items may be removed from the consent agenda by request by an individual school board member for independent consideration. A request is timely if made prior to the vote on the consent agenda. The request does not require a second or a vote by the school board. An item removed from the consent agenda will then be discussed and acted on separately immediately following the consideration of the consent agenda.
Roll call vote is required as the consent agenda contains the personnel report. |
IX.A. Minutes from November 28, 2022
IX.B. Personnel Report
X. Item(s): Board Action Requested
X.A. Tax Levy Certification
In a procedure that began in August of this year, this is the final step in completing the annual levy certification process. This certification is for the 2022 payable 2023 levy to be used for the 2023-2024 school year. The amount being recommended for the certification is $18,997,799. This represents a 5.94 percent increase over last year’s final levy amount. The Truth in Taxation meeting was held on December 12, 2022 where limitation and certification information was presented, explaining this proposed levy amount.
X.B. Resolution Establishing Polling Places
Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 205A.11, by December 31 of each year, the school board must designate combined polling places. A combined polling place must be at a location designated for use as a polling place by a county or municipality. In addition, Minnesota Statute 204B.16 states that by December 31, the governing body of each municipality and of each county with precincts in unorganized territory must designate by ordinance or resolution a polling place for each election precinct for the following calendar year. In the event of a school district special election, the school district will use the precincts and polling places established by the City of Owatonna. For its rural voters, Clinton Falls Town Hall, an established polling place in the county, will serve as a combined polling place. Attached is the resolution establishing the polling places and designating the hours the polling places will remain open.
X.C. Student Transportation Contract
District administration and the Owatonna Bus Company have been in negotiations for the student transportation contract for school years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 and have reached a tentative agreement. The contract is attached for review and consideration of approval.
X.D. Superintendent Contract
Mark Sebring and Lori Weisenburger have been in negotiations with Superintendent Elstad, as described in the contractual timeline. Attached is the memo detailing their recommendations for the contract with Superintendent Elstad.
X.E. Policy Revisions (Second Reading/Consideration for Approval)
The attached policies were presented to the Board for a first reading on November 28. They are being presented again for a second reading and consideration of approval.
X.F. Resolution Approving Assignment of Construction Contract
Attached is the Resolution Approving Assignment of Construction Contract.
X.G. Extended Trip Request
Attached is an extended trip request for Owatonna High School Concert Choir.
X.H. Gifts to the District
Policy 706 establishes guidelines for the acceptance of gifts to the District. As specified by Minnesota Statute 465.03, the School Board may accept a gift, grant, or property only by the adoption of a resolution approved by two-thirds of its members. Any gifts accepted of more than nominal value (more than $5), shall become property of the District (Policy 421). The gifts are listed on the attached resolution.
XI. Adjournment