July 13, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
Nikki Gieseke ____ Jolayne Mohs ____ Mark Sebring ____
Eric Schuster ____ Timothy Jensen ____ Christina Ingvaldson ____ Lori Weisenburger ____ Student Representative ____ |
II. Pledge Of Allegiance
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Public Forum
V. Item(s): For Discussion - No Action Required by the Board
V.A. Board Forum
V.B. Administrative Report
VI. Consent Agenda: Board Action Requested
If desired, items may be removed from the consent agenda by request by an individual school board member for independent consideration. A request is timely if made prior to the vote on the consent agenda. The request does not require a second or a vote by the school board. An item removed from the consent agenda will then be discussed and acted on separately immediately following the consideration of the consent agenda.
Roll call vote is required as the consent agenda contains the personnel report. |
VI.A. Minutes from June 22, 2020
VI.B. Personnel Report
VII. Item(s): Board Action Requested
VII.A. Approval of Compensation and Benefits with Individual Non-Affiliated Employees
The District has approximately 35 employees that are not associated with any collective bargaining group recognized by the Bureau of Mediation Services. These individuals for the most part are professional employees. The Board has received in its previous correspondence a summary sheet of the proposed salary/benefits and employee guideline changes. Christina Picha will be available to answer questions.
VII.B. Approval of Compensation and Benefits with Directors
The District has approximately 15 employees that are not associated with any collective bargaining group recognized by the Bureau of Mediation Services. The Director of Human Resources, Director of Finance & Operations and the Superintendent have worked closely together in developing a compensation plan for these positions. Salaries for our director-level positions are influenced by a market analysis of our surrounding and like-size districts and individual job responsibilities. The Board has received in its previous correspondence a summary sheet of the proposed salary/benefits and employee guideline changes. Superintendent Elstad will be available to answer questions.
VII.C. Long-Term Facilities Maintenance
Minnesota school districts applying for long-term facilities maintenance revenue must annually complete the application for Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Revenue and submit it to the Minnesota Department of Education. To qualify for Long-term Maintenance Revenue, school districts must have a 10-year plan adopted by the school board and approved by the commissioner. The Long-Term Maintenance Revenue Application - Ten-Year Expenditure is attached.
VII.D. Resolution Calling the General Election
The Secretary of State’s office sets very specific timelines for notifying the county auditor’s office, posting notices of elections, and publishing notices. The School Board must pass a resolution calling for an election so that the election clerk is able to meet these deadlines.
Terms for these board members will be expiring in January 2021: Christina Ingvaldson, Timothy Jensen, and Eric Schuster. The filing dates are July 28, 2020-August 11, 2020.
VII.E. Resolution Calling a Special Election
Jeff Elstad and Amanda Heilman
Funding options were reviewed during the May 20 work session, and at the June 22 meeting, the School Board received a recommendation to place two school funding questions on the November 3, 2020 ballot from district leadership. The first question would ask for a simple renewal of the district’s existing operating levy which is about to expire. Operating levies provide critical funding for classrooms, instruction and other operating costs. The second question would phase-in increases to the district’s operating levy in 2022 and 2025. By phasing in the increase over time, it also phases in the tax impact with no tax increase until 2022. The additional revenue provided if question two is approved would enable the district to maintain quality programming and activities, appropriate class sizes and career-technical education programs, while providing financial stability for the next decade. Question two is contingent and can only pass if voters first approve question one. The recommendation is based on inadequate state funding and unfunded mandates putting pressure on an already stretched budget.
VII.F. Gifts to the District
Policy 706 establishes guidelines for the acceptance of gifts to the District. As specified by Minnesota Statute 465.03, the School Board may accept a gift, grant, or property only by the adoption of a resolution approved by two-thirds of its members. Any gifts accepted of more than nominal value (more than $5), shall become property of the District (Policy 421). The gifts are listed on the attached resolution.
VIII. Adjournment