July 11, 2016 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Approve that in accordance with Policy 3090, the Superintendent or designee is hereby authorized to sell the items of surplus property he identified at the meeting and such other surplus property as may be identified, by sealed bids, tag sales, and other authorized means. The items include furniture (tables, book shelves, carts, cabinets), teaching aids (pull down maps, projectors, screens, electronic devices, easels, bulletin and chalk boards, text books), kitchen items (kitchenware, cooking and baking equipment, refrigerator), and other miscellaneous items (fish tanks, vacuum cleaners, mowers, props, weight equipment, etc.).
1. Call to Order
1.1. Announce Open Meeting Act Posting and Location
1.2. Approve agenda
1.3. Approve Minutes of the June 13, 2016 Regular Meeting, June 29 Working Board Meeting, July 6 Special Board Meeting.
1.4. Excuse Absent Board Members
1.5. Next meetings: The next regular meeting is 7:30 p.m. Monday, August 8, in the Boone Central High School. An agenda will be kept current in the Superintendent's office.
2. Questions/Comments By the Public
3. Reports
3.1. Recognition
3.2. Board and Administrator Newsletter
3.3. Superintendent
3.4. Board Committees
4. Action Items
4.1. Approve financial reports and payment of bills
4.2. Approve a 3.75% increase in salary for the elementary, middle school and high school principals.
4.3. Approve a 3.75% increase on the base hourly rate for classified wages for the 2016-17 school year.
4.4. Approve an increase of 10 cents for lunch prices for the 2016-17 school year with K-5 lunch costing $2.65 and 6-12 costing $2.80 with adults breakfast costing $2.05 and adult lunch costing $3.50.
4.5. Approve the Olson/Wolf Loan requests including 15 new and 37 renewals for a total of 52 students in the amount of $247,500 with the minimum request of $3000 and the maximum request of $5000.
4.6. Approve that in accordance with Policy 3090, the Superintendent or designee is hereby authorized to sell the items of surplus property he identified at the meeting and such other surplus property as may be identified, by sealed bids, tag sales, and other authorized means. The items include furniture (tables, book shelves, carts, cabinets), teaching aids (pull down maps, projectors, screens, electronic devices, easels, bulletin and chalk boards, text books), kitchen items (kitchenware, cooking and baking equipment, refrigerator), and other miscellaneous items (fish tanks, vacuum cleaners, mowers, props, weight equipment, etc.).
4.7. Approve the interlocal agreement with the City of Albion on the use of the softball field complex.
5. Questions By the Media
6. Adjournment