July 10, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Organizational Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Board Reoganization
V.A. Nominations
and Election of Board Officers
V.B. Authorized Signatures
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approval of the Budget Hearing Minutes and the Regular Board Meeting Minutes Dated June 24, 2019 and the payment of district bills.
VII. Superintendent's Report
VII.A. Cat Tracks Run/Walk- August 10, 2019
VIII. Personnel
VIII.A. Discussion Item
VIII.A.1. Resignation
VIII.B. Discussion Item
VIII.B.1. Middle School Counselor Appointment
VIII.C. Action Item
VIII.C.1. First Grade Teaching Appointment
VIII.D. Action Item
VIII.D.1. Second Grade Teaching Appointment
VIII.E. Action Item
VIII.E.1. Secondary Science Teaching Appointment
VIII.F. Action Item
VIII.F.1. Maternity Leave Request
VIII.G. Action Item
VIII.G.1. Superintendent Contract
VIII.H. Action Item
VIII.H.1. Amendment of Contracts
VIII.I. Discussion Item
VIII.I.1. Amendment of Contracts
VIII.J. Action Item
VIII.J.1. Amendment of Contracts
IX. Business and Operations
IX.A. Action Item
IX.A.1. Third Party Administration of the District's 403(b) Tax Deferred Annuity Program
IX.B. Action Item
IX.B.1. 2019-2020 Food Service Meal Prices
X. District Appointments and Organization
X.A. Action Item
X.A.1. Designation of Financial Institutions for Investment of
School Funds
X.B. Action Item
X.B.1. Establish Depository for 2019/2020
X.C. Action Item
X.C.1. Establish Board Meeting Dates and Times for 2019/2020
X.D. Action Item
X.D.1. Board Appointments
X.D.1.a. MASB Liaison Person and Alternate
X.D.1.b. Legislative Relations Network (LRN) Designee
X.D.1.c. Berrien/Cass School
Board Association Representative and Alternate
X.E. Action Item
X.E.1. Selection of School
District Attorney
X.F. Action Item
X.F.1. Newspaper of Official Notification
X.G. Action Item
X.G.1. Appointment of Coordinators
X.G.1.a. Section 504—Matthew Severin
X.G.1.b. School Meals—Kathy Holy
X.G.1.c. Title VI (Federally Assisted Programs)—Michelle
X.G.1.d. Civil Rights—Karen Weimer
X.G.1.e. Title IX—Michelle Wruble
X.G.1.f. Sexual Harassment—Michelle Wruble
X.G.1.g. Americans with Disabilities Act—Michelle Wruble
X.G.1.h. Homeless Liaison—Ruth Kittleson
X.H. Action Item
X.H.1. Appointment of Superintendent as Executive
Secretary for the Purpose of Communicating Official Acts
XI. Board Reports and Requests
XII. Hearing of Visitors
Anyone wishing to address the Board is invited to do so under this item, Hearing of Visitors. If you wish to speak to the Board, please fill out a form (on the small table near the door) and hand it to the Board President or Superintendent. A time limit of five minutes will be enforced per person wishing to speak during the hearing of visitors. It is requested that the name and address be stated at the beginning of such comments. Individuals may speak only once during this section of the agenda. Citizens with concerns about individual employees of the district are asked to bring those concerns to the attention of the Superintendent or her designee. |
XIII. Closed Session pursuant to Open Meetings Act Section 8 to review confidential and privileged attorney-client communication.
XIV. Adjournment