January 9, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Organizational Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Organizational Meeting to Order ~ POL 0151
2. Roll Call
Christian___ Brown___ Souder ___ Dean___ Nagel ___ Baker___ Nichols___ |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. 2017 Election of Board Officers and Establishing Meeting Dates/Retreats
4.A. 2017 Election of Board Officers
President - Nominees ________________________________________ Motion by ____________________________ Supported by _________________________ To Nominate _________________________ as President Roll Call Vote: Nagel___ Nichols___ Christian___ Brown___ Dean___ Souder___ Baker___ Vice President - Nominees ____________________________________ Motion by ____________________________ Supported by _________________________ To Nominate _________________________ as Vice President Roll Call Vote: Baker___ Brown___ Nichols___ Souder___ Nagel___ Christian___ Dean___ Secretary - Nominees _______________________________________ Motion by ____________________________ Supported by _________________________ To Nominate _________________________ as Secretary Roll Call Vote: Baker___ Nagel___ Christian___ Brown___ Dean___ Souder___ Nichols___ Treasurer - Nominees _______________________________________ Motion by ____________________________ Supported by _________________________ To Nominate _________________________ as Treasurer Roll Call Vote: Nichols___ Brown___ Christian___ Nagel___ Dean___ Souder___ Baker___ |
4.B. Establish 2017 Board Meeting and Retreat Dates/Times
Approve 2017 Board Meeting and Retreat Dates/Times Motion by ______________________________ Supported by ___________________________ Roll Call Vote: Baker___ Nichols___ Christian___ Dean___ Souder___ Nagel___ Brown___
5. Move into Regular Meeting ~ POL 0164.1
6. Approve the Agenda ~ POL 0166
Motion by ________________________________ Supported by _____________________________ to adopt Agenda as presented. VOTE: __________ MOTION: __________ |
7. Citizen's Request to Address the Board of Education ~ POL 0167.3, BOP 1.3.2
8. Superintendent Report
8.A. Melissa Hayes - COOR, presentation on Rapid Turnaround for Student Growth
9. Approve the Consent Agenda ~ POL 0166.1, BOP 1.1.3
Motion by ________________________________ Supported by _____________________________ to approve the following items listed below on the Consent Agenda: ROLL CALL VOTE TO APPROVE ITEMS ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: Souder___ Nichols___ Brown___ Christian___ Nagel___ Dean___ Baker___ A single member's request shall cause an item on the Consent Agenda to be relocated as an Action Item, eligible for discussion and vote that evening. |
9.A. Approval of Minutes from 12/17/2016 Special meeting.
10. Discussion ~ BOP 1.3.6
10.A. Committee Discussions (Finance, Policy, Technology, Negotiations, Turnaround)
10.B. Facilities Usage Planning
10.C. Legal Counsel
10.D. Release of file from Allen Brothers
10.E. MASB Legislative Update
11. Citizen's Second Request to Address the Board of Education ~ POL 0167.3, BOP 1.3.2
12. Action Items ~ POL 0167.1, BOP 1.4
12.A. Motion to approve Legal Counsel with ______________
Motion by ______________________________ Supported by ___________________________ ROLL CALL VOTE: Nichols___ Dean___ Brown___Souder___ Nagel___ Christian___ Baker___ |
12.B. Motion to approve the release of files from Allen Brothers
Motion by ______________________________ Supported by ___________________________ ROLL CALL VOTE: Dean___ Souder___ Christian___ Brown___ Nichols___ Baker___ Nagel___ |
13. Board/Superintendent Opportunity to Make a Comment/Statement ~ POL 0143.1
14. Correspondence
15. Adjourn