August 12, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Regular Meeting to Order - 6:30 PM
2. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
June 27, 2013, July 8, 2013, August 5, 2013
3. Approve Consent Agenda
4. Citizen's Request to Address the Board of Education
5. Superintendent's Report
5.A. Suzanne Bartos, Allen Brothers Law
6. Strategic Plan
6.A. Community Open House
7. Discussion Items
7.A. Review of 2013-2014 Superintendent's Goals
7.B. Administrator Contract Extensions
7.C. Set dates for Superintendent Performance Evaluations 2013-2014
7.D. Update/Review/Timing of 2013-2014 Teacher/Administrator Evaluation Process
7.E. Update on adds/drops for the district to date for all buildings
7.F. Tentative School Calendar (if no contract in place by Labor Day)
8. Citizen's Second Request to Address the Board of Education
*pertaining only to the agenda items listed above* |
9. Board Opportunity to Make a Comment/Statement
10. Correspondence - Houghton Lake Arts and Crafts Association
11. Closed Session
12. Adjourn