December 12, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting (Materials Updated/Added 12.10.2024 at 3:55 pm)
Agenda |
4. RECOGNITIONS - Individuals or groups who have excelled in academic or athletic pursuits, or who have contributed to Nye County School District (NCSD) in a significant manner, will be recognized at this time. Assistant Superintendent Laura Weir will lead the recognitions.
6. ADOPTION OF AGENDA (non-action item)
7. GENERAL PUBLIC INPUT for items LISTED on the agenda: At this time, the public is invited to address the Board on items listed on the agenda over which the Board has jurisdiction. Matters raised cannot be deliberated or acted upon until properly placed on a future agenda. If you wish to speak, please step up to the podium and state your name. A time limit of three minutes per person, or five minutes for the spokesperson for a group to avoid repetition will be imposed. Although this Board does not restrict comments based on viewpoint, comments will be prohibited if the content is irrelevant to the Board, repetitious, offensive, inflammatory, irrational, deemed a personal attack, or interferes with the rights of other speakers. Comments made during this time will be monitored by the Board President.
8. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Approval of the 2024-2025 Budget Amendment, Per NRS 3.54.598005(9). Chief Operating Officer Ray Ritchie will present this item.
TIMED ITEM 6:00 P.M. (or soon thereafter)
9. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Consent Agenda
9.A. Approve, disapprove, amend, or modify the November 12, 2024, minutes
9.B. Accept - Early Notification Retirement/Resignation Incentive Annual Report
9.C. Accept - Employee Referral Program Annual Report
9.D. Accept - NV PERS Critical Needs Hires for Designated Positions
9.E. Accept - NV PERS Critical Needs Requests (Sub Admins)
9.F. Accept - FY 25 Q1 Class Size Reduction
10.A. Administrator Reports - Individual administrators will present reports at this time. Assistant Superintendent Genoveva Lopez-Angelo will lead the administrative reporting.
10.B. Superintendent's Report
10.C. Board Reports
11. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Presentation and acceptance of independent audit for year ending June 30, 2024. Dan C. McArthur will present this item.
12. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Presentation and acceptance of school activity funds audits for year ending June 30, 2024. Daniel C. McArthur will present this item.
13. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Award or reject a bid for the HVAC Replacement Project at Beatty High School from the following:
A. Mesa Energy Systems, Inc. $334,986 base bid or approved substitution of Water Furnace WSHPs bid of $296,141; B. Jonaire $366,945; C. Cross Construction $436,000; and D. U.S. Mechanical $444,000. Project Manager Nate Cardinal will present this item.
14. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Award or reject bids for roof replacement at Nye Communities Coalition, Beatty Elementary/Middle School, Beatty Elementary/Middle Gym, Round Mountain Middle/High School, and Round Mountain Middle/High Gym from the following: A. Amaya Roofing & Waterproofing $1,455,597, B. Western Single Ply $1,691,000. Add fund contingency of $20/SF for the replacement of dry rot decking and $471,360.15 for roofing materials supplied by the District. Project Manager Nate Cardinal will present this item.
15. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Approve, disapprove, amend, or modify negotiating with CORE for a change order for the CMAR contract to change the scope of services to include the construction of the Sports Complex at Tonopah High School. Project Manager Nate Cardinal will present this item.
16. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION: Discussion and deliberation on policy restricting cell phone use in the classroom setting from bell to bell in all Nye County schools starting January 6, 2025. President Wulfenstein will present this item.
17. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Discussion/approval of the NCSD warrants.
18. INFORMATIONAL - Board members' annual requirement to file the Contributions and Expenses (CE) Report and Financial Disclosure Statement (FDS) with the Secretary of State from January 1 to January 15. Board president Mr. Wulfenstein will present this item.
19. INFORMATIONAL - Discussion regarding future Board meeting topics.
20. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Discussion to approve, disapprove, amend, or modify the date or attendance area of future Board meetings.
21. GENERAL PUBLIC INPUT for items NOT LISTED on the agenda: At this time, the public is invited to address the Board on items not listed on the agenda over which the Board has jurisdiction. Matters raised cannot be deliberated or acted upon until properly placed on a future agenda. If you wish to speak, please step up to the podium and state your name. A time limit of three minutes per person or five minutes for the spokesperson for a group to avoid repetition will be imposed. Although this Board does not restrict comments based on viewpoint, comments will be prohibited if the content is irrelevant to the Board, repetitious, offensive, inflammatory, irrational, deemed a personal attack, or interferes with the rights of other speakers. Comments made during this time will be monitored by the Board President.