June 12, 2024 at 7:30 AM - Franklin Covey - The 4 Disciplines of Execution Workshop
Agenda |
2. GENERAL PUBLIC INPUT for items LISTED on the agenda: At this time, the public is invited to address the Board on items listed on the agenda over which the Board has jurisdiction. Matters raised cannot be deliberated or acted upon until properly placed on a future agenda. If you wish to speak, please step up to the podium and state your name. A time limit of three minutes per person, or five minutes for the spokesperson for a group to avoid repetition will be imposed. Although this Board does not restrict comments based on viewpoint, comments will be prohibited if the content is irrelevant to the Board, repetitious, offensive, inflammatory, irrational, deemed a personal attack, or interferes with the rights of other speakers. Comments made during this time will be monitored by the Board President.
3. PRESENTATION - Franklin Covey Four Disciplines of Execution training.
4. GENERAL PUBLIC INPUT for items NOT LISTED on the agenda: At this time, the public is invited to address the Board on items not listed on the agenda over which the Board has jurisdiction. Matters raised cannot be deliberated or acted upon until properly placed on a future agenda. If you wish to speak, please step up to the podium and state your name. A time limit of three minutes per person or five minutes for the spokesperson for a group to avoid repetition will be imposed. Although this Board does not restrict comments based on viewpoint, comments will be prohibited if the content is irrelevant to the Board, repetitious, offensive, inflammatory, irrational, deemed a personal attack, or interferes with the rights of other speakers. Comments made during this time will be monitored by the Board President.